We’ve spent time getting the design in place, now is the time to let people know the preorder is live. Make sure you hit all five of our “must post” locations!
1. Locker room/changing area- Most members will cycle through the locker room when they arrive. Be sure to post an announcement with a picture of the design and HOW they can order. Believe it or not, most people are completely unaware of how to preorder something unless it is explained to them very clearly
2. Front desk- As people check in, have a reminder about the deadline for the preorder at the front desk. Think of something that will catch their eye. This does not need to be a perfect layout or anything.
3. Before AND after class- These are the folks that will buy your new apparel. Not your old drop in list. Not someone who visited on a whim while visiting grandma. There is no better way to advertise than to make a pre and post class announcement about the new apparel. Does it feel awkward? Sure. Are you scared of being too sales-y? Probably. But, as we’ve said before, your members want to support you and their tribe. Give them the opportunity to support you! Just a quick announcement “Hey All- Our zip up preorder is open until the 23rd. Get with me after class if you want one. We have samples at the front desk and here is a picture of the design”.
4. Instagram- I don’t like facebook for promoting apparel orders. It is too distracting. Birthdays! App requests! John Smith invited you to like their page! With Instagram, you get a much more focused look at the information and design. Think about it the next time you scroll through your own feed. There is no clutter or junk on the left or right margins. This is mostly anecdotal but we’ve found that more people will see the post in Instagram than facebook.
5. Email List- Believe it or not, most gym owners do not properly utilize their client e-mail list. They’re too scared to “spam” their members with announcements. That is nonsense. Your members want to hear from you and regardless of what the latest marketing guru tells you, e-mail is STILL the best way to get the message out to people. Send out a couple e-mails throughout the preorder informing people of timeframe and relevant details.
3 Strategies To Spark A Preorder