Inspiration for Your Fall Zip or Pullover Hoodie
Thanks for checking out our designs for this month!
Fall is the perfect time to order a hoodie for your members, and they’ll appreciate having something warm and soft to wear home after working out as the days get cooler.
If you haven’t got your cold-weather apparel sorted out yet, now is the time.
Don’t wait until the middle of winter because your members want to start wearing warmer gear now!
ABOVE you’ll see a selection of ideas you can check out for both Zip and Pullover styles. These are all unisex designs with a really soft cut that feels amazing.
As always, these designs just give you an idea of what’s available. We always love working with you on your own design ideas—and remember customer artwork is 100% free.
So check them out, let us know if anything takes your fancy, and give us a shout if you want to work on a custom design for your hoodie (or anything else you’ve got in mind).