Let me be the first to apologize on behalf of an industry. Apparel vendors do a poor job of helping you set the price for your apparel items. In this post, I am going to provide straight forward pricing guidelines and set you on a path of repeatable success.
As a gym owner, I know you understand the importance of pricing your services from the start. Maybe you’ve made some pricing mistakes in the past. Maybe you recently raised your rates to adjust your pricing to appropriate levels. Selling apparel and retail items at your gym is no different. In my conversations with owners, there is no real rhyme or reason as to why they sell shirts for $20 or $17 or $15 or for no profit at all: “$20. It just sounds right.” Or “That is what I would buy it for”…
After thousands of jobs and consultations, we have developed the chart below to guide gym owners when pricing their apparel. If you read our post on margins last month, this chart will go hand in hand with those recommendations.
