Apparel Should Be Worn OUTSIDE Your Gym
Apparel is most valuable when worn outside the gym. It might seem counterintuitive, but the impact of someone wearing your apparel to grocery stores, kids' sporting events, or neighborhood BBQs is far greater than them wearing it to an 8...
On every new client call, I always start with: How are you currently handling apparel? What is working? What is not working? Here is how most respond:How are you currently handling apparel:"The local guy but he takes forever to get...
Identifying Common Challenges in Gym Apparel
Managing gym apparel can be a daunting task for many gym owners. From selecting the right designs to ensuring consistent orders, the challenges can quickly pile up. In this blog post, we will explore the common problems gym owners face...
Understanding Your Gym's Apparel Needs: The First Step to Success
In the world of gym management, the significance of apparel often gets overlooked. However, gym apparel is not just clothing; it's a powerful tool for branding, member engagement, and revenue generation. Identifying your specific needs and goals related to gym...
I'll Follow My Own Apparel Plan!
If you believe and subscribe to the idea of "I don't need a vendor. I'll just follow an apparel plan myself and execute it!"....then.... No one should join your gym. If this logic actually worked and actually made sense, no one...
You Are Bad At Math If You Do This
You are bad at math if you can't do this calculation. Clients who follow an apparel plan net 66% more profit than those who are NOT on a plan. Clients not on a plan run 3 orders a year. Example math: You net...